At Alfrink Cosmetics, we have successfully developed products for a diverse range of markets.

Product development
At Alfrink Cosmetics, we have successfully developed products for a diverse range of markets. With our access to quality raw materials and a professional development, testing and feedback process, we have created an impressive array of innovative treatments. In the medical field, our products have been used by plastic surgeons as well as for the treatment of burn wounds and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. We have also developed treatments for niche markets like the tattoo industry and hair transplantation.
All of these products started as an idea. Perhaps you are an entrepreneur with an idea for a similar product, but you are struggling to turn that vision into a reality? We have the experience, the network and the expertise required to make your product happen.
We can help you with all or any of the following steps in the process:
– YOUR IDEA – Need an expert sounding board to see if your idea needs refinement? Or to help you identify flaws, challenges and other potential problems up front? We’ve been down this road many times, so use our experience.
– PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS – What will it say on the box? And what will you need to make the product do what it says? Getting the product brief right is a vital part of ensuring you have a clear and practical goal to guide the whole process.
– SAMPLE DEVELOPMENT – This is where we at Alfrink Cosmetics can draw on our infrastructure and experience to move your vision towards reality. With our help, you can choose and source the right raw materials and other ingredients and access the expertise needed to create a sample product that gets you to the testing stage.
– TESTING FIRST SAMPLES – You need a product that is not only effective but also safe and legal to use. We can help you fulfil these requirements with rigorous and expert testing.
– PROCESS FEEDBACK – Results from the first round of testing must be converted to improvements for subsequent sample development. And this whole process is repeated for …
– FURTHER SAMPLE DEVELOPMENT & FEEDBACK – Your product can only afford to fail at the test stage, NOT in your chosen market. Let us ensure that all your product flaws are eliminated before final production, even if this means three or four rounds of sample
development and feedback. This is also where our decades of experience at Alfrink Cosmetics can save you time and money by ensuring this process is as efficient and cost-effective as possible.
– Product Information File
– The development phase is only completed after all required documents have been produced. The following documents are required:
o PIF: Product information file A PIF is required to ensure that the product formulation meets the EU regulation for cosmetic products (EU 1223/2009 ). A PIF includes: stability tests, challenge tests, safety Alfrink Cosmetic can assist to provide the required know how to deliver the PIF.
– Production Alfrink Cosmetics is working together with manufactures to produce your products. This includes: sourcing the raw material, packaging materials, labels and of course the cosmetic manufactures to put this all together.
Don’t be daunted by the length of this process – we have been through it many times and we can guide you through it or do it all for you.
If you have a vision for a cosmetic, therapeutic or skincare product, talk to us. We can make it happen.